- Webinar Duration90 Min
- Webinar Date15 Jan. 2025
- Webinar IdAT3397
Bad attitudes, jealousy, and disruptive behaviour will sabotage hospital morale, lower self-esteem and reducing teamwork and productivity and could even lead to being featured in the media for all the wrong reasons. You can’t afford to let toxic behaviour infect a department. While managers may be tempted to ignore it or give in, the wrong thing to do, and tolerating it by anyone is not to be considered. This session will show you how to neutralize gossip and put a system in place to ensure it does not re-occur, starting with of Zero Tolerance and workplace reprimands. The destructive effects of blaming others, griping, pessimism and of always passing the buck needs to be stopped. You will learn to keep emotional control and tame disruptive and destructive behaviour fast.
What will you learn
- How managers inadvertently reward negative and destructive behaviours?
- The steps you need to act on in order to keep total control of the situation
- The four types of problem employees there can be and how they become a problem
- How to turn around the gossip, gab and the grapevine to create more empowered employees?
- How to tell when someone is lying to you and how to confront them on it?
- When to focus on the behaviour you see and not the attitude behind it?
- How to identify all the forms of bullying there are that you need to control?
- How to stop the rumour mill before it gets started with a policy of transparency?
- Why people want to ‘push your buttons’ by their off-side or inappropriate comments?
- The D.I.S.C. Personality Profile – that teaches how people do what they do - good or bad
- How do we control the unwritten rules of the office that become a negative culture to discipline?
- How to adopt great techniques to use when employees blame others or deny responsibility?
Why should you attend?
Whatever happened to respect? Rude, indifferent, emotionally troubled, over-worked and dis-engaged Employees do more harm to your business and employee productivity than you can afford. A workplace culture of tolerating a bad attitude by one or more employees is not acceptable. A lot of time, the cause of the employee attitude is generated from how they are treated at work, a seeming lack of respect of them. Is it you or is it them that is the problem? When you fully exercise your position power, you will dramatically improve the strained relationship and drive up their personal power. Respect comes from knowing the person and this session is how to find out what matters, drives and engages them. When you have a language of caring, you create respect. This session is how to change the viewing of this person and their behavior to move them to be solution orientated. Respect of, for, and by all your employees, drives up trust, engagement, self-esteem, productivity, and profitability.
Who Will Benefit?
Anyone who has to deal with disrespectful, uncivil, angry, toxic people and their behaviours. Everyone is involved in improving the customer/patient experience through a very effective staff engagement, development, and training process. That would include CEO’s, CNO’s, HR and Customer Service Supervisors, and Managers.