Your employment policy manual is a crucial management tool for sharing essential workplace rules. But getting those rules wrong can turn the tool into a weapon employment lawyers wield against your organization in court. Updating your handbook now is more important than ever.
This informative HR Webinar will outline for you the do's and don'ts of drafting an effective well-written Employment Policy Manual. We will explain the importance of a good employment policy manual. Firstly, it's essential for smooth operations. It should be the go-to authority for policies. Secondly, it's critical for more than new hire training. It expresses formal policies. It is the first place to look for legal clarification, for instance. Thirdly, you can use it to showcase your company culture.
Employee handbooks/manuals are essential for employers in today's litigious environment, and they are the number one most important tool that an employer can have to protect itself from future liability.
Learn best practices for writing policies, procedures, and supporting documentation to help you develop logical and easy-to-understand documents.