Now that I’ve Got Them, How Do I Keep Them?

  • Webinar Duration60 Min
  • Webinar Date07 Jan. 2025
  • Webinar IdAT3394


While most companies have a healthy top-of-the-line post-pandemic, their growth is severely limited by the ability to retain talent. And, without the ability to grow the workforce, added pressures are placed on existing employees, exacerbating mental health challenges and the retention problem.

Employee Turnover is an expensive problem. It limits growth opportunities, causes stress, morale problems, customer dissatisfaction, lawsuits, and brand damage.

Compensation challenges, the demand for job flexibility, an unwillingness to “come to work”, cost of living, and other factors are driving the turnover.

In order to fight against this challenge, employers need to better understand the costs and opportunities related to turnover, have and share their compensation philosophy, consider new ways to engage employees, and more.

What will you learn
  • The data around employee turnover
  • How to calculate the true costs of employee turnover
  • The Entrance Interview
  • The onboarding experience
  • Compensation challenges
  • How to spend money wisely when trying to engage and retain employees.
  • How software programs can help And much more
Area Covered In The Webinar
  • You will begin your retention efforts in the hiring and onboarding process
  • You will know what causes employee turnover
  • You will know how to calculate the cost of turnover and identify its revenue equivalency
  • You will spend money wisely on employee engagement efforts
  • You will be able to include your employees in the effort to reduce turnover
  • And you will get a ton of tools!
Why should you attend?

The economy has recovered from the Pandemic, but employers are still faced with the consequences of the Great Quit, demand for higher wages and work flexibility.  Employers are facing a significant labor shortage, magnifying the consequences of employee turnover.
